
Current Obsession?

3:10 PM

The Lord of Dreams learns that one must change or die, and makes his decision.

Current comic obsession is The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. It's beautifully illustrated heavy on the macabre. It's not for everyone it's been described as "The intellectuals comic strip." I know why the hell am I reading it, right?
I actually found out about this through a Tori Amos song "Horses" the lyric is

if there is a way

to find you I will find you
but will you find me if

Neil makes me dream?

After I finish the first volume I'll post a bit more about it. It's hard to get back into reading American comics I'm so used to reading Manga that I keep reading from right to left instead of left to right.. :P


Anonymous said...

Love this comic and most of his books!!